Sorcerers and sorceresses are sentient creatures that have been fundamentally changed by exposure to raw magical energy. Most are the result of magical accidents or an aberrant fluctuation of a leyline. Some are born of parents who suffered acute or prolonged exposure to those energies.
Hit Points
With each sorcerer level, a hero’s maximum hit points increases by 4 + their Constitution modifier and they add a d6 to their pool of hit dice.
A hero must have a Charisma score of at least 13 to multiclass as a sorcerer.
Starting Equipment
If a hero starts their adventures as a sorcerer, they begin the game with a traveler’s pack and two weapons that they are proficient with.
At 1st level, a sorcerer gains proficiency with light melee weapons, thrown weapons, and staves.
Sorcerous Origin
A sorcerer originates when a sentient creature is exposed to a mutagenic volume of magic. These origins are detailed at the end of this section, and grant the sorcerer class features at 1st level, and again when they reach 2nd, 6th, and 10th levels in this class.
- Biomancer
- Conduit
- Enchantress
- Necromancer
- Shaper
- Summoner
- Vessel
Starting at 1st level, a sorcerer learns to use sheer force of will to cast spells from the schools of Enchantment, Evocation, Invocation, and Transmutation. Their spellcasting ability is Charisma.
Power – A sorcerer’s Power starts at 1 when they gain this feature, and increases by one when they reach 3rd, 5th, 7th, 9th, and 11th levels in this class. A sorcerer can’t learn or cast a spell whose rank exceeds their Power.
Casting Spells – Casting a sorcerer spell requires the normal casting time and components, as well as a number of spell points equal to its rank. When a sorcerer finishes a long rest, they lose any unspent spell points and gain a number equal to their proficiency bonus multiplied by their sorcerer level.
Known Spells – Sorcerers can only manipulate magic in a limited number of ways. When a sorcerer first manifests at 1st level, they learn two cantrips and a number of 1st-rank spells equal to 1 + their Charisma modifier.
A sorcerer learns an additional cantrip when they reach 4th level in this class, and another when they reach 10th level. Whenever a sorcerer gains a level in this class, they can replace one of the cantrips from this feature with another.
A sorcerer learns an additional ranked spell whenever their Charisma modifier increases and whenever they gain a level in this class. Whenever they learn a new ranked spell, they can also replace a ranked spell they previously knew with a new one.
Starting at 2nd level, a sorcerer can tap into an inner wellspring of magic. This wellspring is represented by Sorcery Points. Whenever a sorcerer finishes a long rest, they lose any unspent Sorcery Points and gain a number equal to their sorcerer level.
A sorcerer of this level can use a bonus action to convert Sorcery Points into an equal number of spell points or vice versa. If a sorcerer’s Sorcery Points or spell points exceed their normal maximum at the end of their turn, they lose one of those points and suffer 1d6 psychic damage.
Starting at 3rd level, a sorcerer learns to alter their spells to suit their immediate needs, learning two metamagic effects of their choice. Unless otherwise stated, a sorcerer can only add one metamagic effect to each spell they cast.
A sorcerer learns an additional metamagic effect when they reach 10th level in this class. Whenever a sorcerer gains a level in this class, they can replace one of the metamagic effects they know with a different metamagic effect.
Sorcerous Wherewithal
Starting at 5th level, a sorcerer gains the ability to sustain themselves with their sorcerous power. A sorcerer of this level can use an action and spend 1 Sorcery Point to roll one of their hit dice and regain hit points equal to the die roll + their Constitution modifier + their Charisma modifier.