This sorcerer’s power first manifested after they were exposed to the cosmic power of emotions, allowing them to sense and manipulate the emotions of sentient creatures.
Empathy – At 1st level, an enchantress becomes resistant to morale damage and learns the cantrips calm and friendship in addition to the cantrips learned from the Spellcasting feature.

Sense Emotions – Starting at 1st level, an enchantress can sense the presence and general demeanor of any sentient creature within 10 yards and can use an action to focus on one sentient creature, making a Wisdom (Insight) check to discern information about them. A creature’s general demeanor can described as afraid, angry, determined, focused, or happy.
Result of 5+ – The enchantress knows the location of the creature and whether their emotions are being magically influenced.
Result of 11+ – The enchantress knows generally what is causing the creature to feel the way they are feeling. If the creature is being magically influenced, they know the power echelon of spell being used.
Result 17+ – The enchantress knows what spell is being used to influence the creature. If it is a spell they themselves know, they know the exact parameters of the spell, including any choices made by the caster. Otherwise, they know its exact rank and have a general idea of what it does.
Mantle of Majesty – Starting at 2nd level, an enchantress can use a bonus action and spend a Sorcery Point to assume a mantle of majesty for 1 minute. This effect ends early if they are incapacitated or if they use a bonus action to end it.
While the mantle is active, a glimpse at the enchantress’s eyes is enough to reveal their sorcerous power, allowing them to add their Charisma modifier to Constitution (Intimidation) checks against anyone who can see them.
In addition, the enchantress adds their Charisma modifier to the damage of Enchantment spells they cast.
Lastly, whenever a sentient enemy starts their turn within 3 yards of the enchantress, they take psychic damage equal to the enchantress’s Power + their Charisma modifier. Whenever a sentient ally starts their turn within 3 yards of the enchantress, they gain that many temporary hit points.
Force of Will – At 6th level, an enchantress becomes resistant to psychic damage. While their Mantle of Majesty is active, they are instead immune to psychic damage and morale damage.
In addition, whenever an enchantress of this level is dealt psychic damage or morale damage, they can spend a Sorcery Point to become immune to it. If they do, the damage is reflected back to the creature that dealt it.
Ensorcell – At 10th level, an enchantress can take control of those they dominate with magic. Whenever they reduce a sentient enemy to 0 hit points with psychic damage, that enemy becomes devoted to them and regains hit points equal 5 + their Constitution modifier + the enchantress’s Power + their Charisma modifier.
A devoted creature treats the enchantress as their master, obeying their commands and seeking their approval. A devoted creature is hostile towards any creature that is hostile towards the enchantress.
If a devoted creature is forcibly kept from the enchantress, they make every effort to return to them.
Whenever a devoted creature finishes a long rest, they can make a Wisdom saving throw against the enchantress’s save DC if they have neither seen nor heard the enchantress since their last long rest. On a pass, they are no longer devoted to the enchantress.