I started trying to build this deck when I first saw the various Kobolds out of Legends. The first attempt used utterly terrible cards like Giant Strength. It didn’t go well until they printed Coat of Arms. Even then, the deck never really found its feat because having free creatures on turns one through four didn’t exactly put me in a strong position against Elf and Goblin decks of the late 90’s.
This deck really took off after Glimpse of Nature was printed in Champions of Kamigawa. Now, I had something I could do with all those free creatures on turns one through four! This also encouraged me to branch out to green and include Gaea’s Cradle and Overrun, which allowed me to get my Coat down on turn one (in the right situation).
Over the years, Wizards has given us more Kobold love in the form of Kher Keep, Rograkh, and Rosnakht, as well as some tribe-flexible artifacts like Instruments of War and Obelisk of Urd. I especially liked the obelisk because, according to one of the innumerable Monster Manuals, an urd is a winged Kobold.
For years I ran Brass Herald in this deck, but he never really fit the theme. Why did these Kobolds have a giant metal golem? Then it dawned on me when they printed Burn at the Stake: these hateful, little bastards worshipped the Brass Herald as some sort of golden god.
When I got to layout, I chose Ewoks as my stand-ins for the reptilian Kobolds. I always thought of Kobolds as furry, probably because they were described in AD&D 2nd Edition as having a yapping, barking language and looked more like short-haired dog creatures in the artwork.
This deck very much embodies what I love about red-green. It really escalates quickly. I mean, it really gets out of hand fast. I can go from a few lands on turn three to a field full of 5/4 Kobolds thanks to Glimpse and Obelisk, and swing for 20+ on turn four with Overrun. Assuming I get slowed down, there’s always cooking my opponent for a banquet in my own honor.
This has been one of my favorite decks to play and build over the years, and is the only deck I always play when I meet up with Fairfield for cards every other week. I hope you enjoy!