Magus of the Prairie #6
B1 – Orion Concord This deck started of very mechanically (I’ll see myself out). Puns aside, I was first inspired to build this deck after seeing Tempered Steel. It’s like two Glorious Anthems for the price of one! How hard could it be to fill a deck with good artifact weenies. Turns out, not very,…
Magus of the Prairie #5
A5 – Kong Quest And now we come to my least favorite color, green. I’m pretty sure that my disdain for green stems from the fact that when I first started playing Magic, I would often lose to green decks and not understand why. My compadre Hayes would infuriate me with a Spike Weaver deck…
Magus of the Prairie #4
A4 – Weekend at Burny’s Always be yourself, unless you can be a colossal, fire-breathing lizard. Way back in the halcyon days at the dawn of 21st century, dragon decks were all the rage with the guys at Parkland. I, having a nearly pathological aversion to anything trendy, refused to indulge in such frivolity. And…
Magus of the Prairie #3
A3 – Night Train As we work our way around the color wheel, we next come to black. Black will always hold a special place in my heart because 1) I’m still a moody teenager at heart (you wouldn’t understand), and 2) it’s the iconic MTG color for my good friend Breymeyer and my brother…
Magus of the Prairie #2
Second of my old-style mono-colored decks is mono-blue control. This deck started as your basic, run-of-the-mill permission deck, keeping my opponent out of the game with delightful cards like Force of Will and Counterspell. Using the old playstyle as a namesake, I give you… A2 – Dr. Awgo I always hated Morphling, but ran it…
Magus of the Prairie #1
In this recurring column, I will be posting the decks I’m working on for my favorite card game – Magic. I started playing Magic shortly after they first traveled to Jamuraa back in 1996 and have been playing steadily for last twenty-six years. Me and many of my close friends cite the game as a…