
This warrior was born to lead others in battle, possessing an unshakable bearing and infectious determination. As a warlord follows this path, they become more resolute and can spur their close companions onto even greater glory.

Boast – Starting at 3rd level, while a warlord is enraged, they can add their Rage Die to Charisma checks and Charisma saving throws.

Sharp-Eyed – At 3rd level, and again at 10th level, a warlord gains proficiency with their choice of the Insight, Intimidation, or Perception skills. If they were already proficient, they gain expertise instead.

Warband – Starting at 3rd level, when a warlord finishes a short rest, they choose up to ten willing, sentient creatures within 10 yards to join their warband. This effect ends on a creature if they join another warband or the warlord uses this feature again.

While the warlord is enraged, other members of their warband add their Rage Die to melee weapon and unarmed damage rolls if they are within 10 yards of the warlord and can either see or hear them.

Unshakable – Starting at 6th level, when an enraged warlord fails a saving throw, they can reroll it. Once they use this feature, they can’t use it again until their current Rage ends and they begin a new one.

Moment of Glory – Starting at 10th level, an enraged warlord can use a bonus action to call their warband to glory. Until the start of the warlord’s next turn, they and each other member of their warband can add the warlord’s Rage Die to each attack roll and saving throw they make. An ally must be within 10 yards and able to either see or hear the warlord to gain this benefit.