Weapon Master

This man-at-arms has focused their training on the art of martial combat. They are an avid student of arms, capable of executing truly impressive maneuvers. As a weapon master pursues this discipline, they learn new maneuvers and can use them more frequently.

Art of War – At 3rd level, a weapon master gains proficiency with one toolset of their choice. Common choices include armorer’s pliers, blacksmith’s hammer, engineer’s wrench, or fletcher’s knife.

Maneuvers – At 3rd level, a weapon master learns three maneuvers of their choice. They can apply one maneuver to each weapon attack they make. Some maneuvers can also be applied to certain ability checks or saving throws.

A weapon master has four battle dice, which are d8s. These dice are spent to activate their maneuvers, and expended battle dice are regained whenever they finish a short rest.

If a maneuver causes an enemy to make a saving throw, the DC is equal to 8 + the weapon master’s proficiency bonus + their Strength or Dexterity modifier (whichever they used for the attack roll).

Feat of Arms – At 7th level, a weapon master learns two additional maneuvers of their choice and gains an additional battle die.

Size Up – Starting at 7th level, a weapon master can spend 1 minute observing a creature they can see as that creature moves, works, or fights. The weapon master makes a Wisdom (Perception) check against the target’s passive Stealth.

If the weapon master passes, they determine the creature’s physical ability scores (Constitution, Strength, and Dexterity), their Defense, their Speed, their current and total hit points, and which physical saving throws they are proficient with.

If the weapon master fails, they can’t use this feature against that creature again for 1 hour.

Master of Arms – At 10th level, a weapon master learns two additional maneuvers of their choice and their battle dice increase from d8s to d10s.