Fighting Style

At 1st level, a man-at-arms adopts a particular style of combat to be their specialty, choosing one of the following options. A hero cannot choose the same style more than once.

When a man-at-arms reaches 6th level, and again when they reach 11th level, they can either choose an additional Fighting Style from those available at 1st level, or learn the Improved version of one they already know.

Brute Force – When this man-at-arms attacks with a crushing or hacking melee or thrown weapon, they add their Constitution modifier to the damage roll in addition to their Strength or Dexterity modifier.

Cleaver – On their turn, if this man-at-arms reduces an enemy to 0 hit points with a heavy or versatile melee weapon wielded in two hands, or scores a critical hit with one, they can use a bonus action that turn to make one attack with that weapon.

Deadly Precision – When this man-at-arms attacks with a piercing or slashing melee or thrown weapon, they add both their Strength and Dexterity modifiers to the damage roll.

Drill – When this man-at-arms uses an action to load a slow projectile weapon on their turn, they can use a bonus action that turn to Dash or Guard.

Dual-Wielder – When this man-at-arms uses the Offhand Attack bonus action on their turn, they can add their ability modifiers to the damage roll.

Duelist – If this man-at-arms is wielding a finesse weapon when they are hit by a melee attack from an enemy that they can see, they can use a reaction to reduce the attack’s damage by 1d10 + their proficiency bonus.

Grappler – This man-at-arms is proficient with unarmed attacks. If they have a free hand, they can use a bonus action to Grab, Shove, or Wrestle.

Ironclad – Unless this man-at-arms is incapacitated, they add +1 to Defense if they are wielding a shield and/or wearing light or heavy armor.

Marksman – If this man-at-arms doesn’t move on their turn, they triple the range of their ranged attacks that turn and gain advantage on ranged attack rolls made against enemies within their normal (non-tripled) range.

Mighty Archer – When this man-at-arms attacks with a bow or sling built to accommodate their Strength, they add their Strength modifier to the damage roll in addition to their Dexterity modifier.

Piker – When this man-at-arms attacks with a reach weapon, they double their proficiency bonus on the attack roll if they are outside the target’s reach. Hit or miss, their movement does not provoke counterattacks from the target this turn.

Point & Click – When this man-at-arms attacks with a slow projectile weapon, they add their Intelligence modifier to the damage roll in addition to their Dexterity modifier.

Shieldbearer – If this man-at-arms is wielding a shield when they or an adjacent ally are hit by an attack from an enemy that the man-at-arms can see, the man-at-arms can use a reaction to reduce the attack’s damage by 1d10 + their proficiency bonus.

Technique – This man-at-arms learns two maneuvers from the Weapon Master discipline and gains one battle die, which is either 1d6 or the same size as their other battle dice. Expended battle dice are recovered when a man-at-arms finishes a short rest.