An expert is a specialist that makes a living using skills. Members of this class can be found in every town and village, focusing on mundane uses of their skills. Adventuring experts typically specialize in areas that apply to intrigue, combat, or magic.
Hit Points
With each expert level, a hero’s maximum hit points increase by 5 + their Constitution modifier and they add a d8 to their pool of hit dice.
A hero must have an Intelligence, Wisdom, or Charisma score of at least 13 to multiclass as an expert.
Starting Equipment
If a hero starts their adventures as an expert, they begin the game with a traveler’s pack, one toolset that they are proficient with, and two weapons that they are proficient with.
At 1st level, an expert gains proficiency with light melee weapons, thrown weapons, and staves.
Clever Tricks
Starting at 1st level, an expert learns an assortment of tricks to make their lives easier or to preserve their life in dangerous situations. When an expert gains this feature, they learn two Clever Tricks. They learn another when they reach 6th level, and another when they reach 10th level.
At 1st level, and again at 3rd, 5th, 7th, 9th, and 11th levels, an expert learns a Discovery that allows them better use a particular skill or tool. They gain expertise with one skill or toolset that they are proficient with and gain an additional benefit depending on that choice.
Field of Expertise
At 1st level, an expert dedicates themselves to a particular field, which provides them class features at 1st, 3rd, 6th, and 10th levels. These fields can be found in the links to the right.
Starting at 1st level, an expert gains the ability to share their proficiency with their comrades, either shoring up their allies’ lack of training or pushing them to new heights of ability. This sharing of proficiency is represented by their Tutelage Die, which is 1d4.
To share their proficiency, an expert spends 10 minutes explaining the correct usage of a skill or tool that they are proficient with. They then choose up to three allies within 10 yards that can hear and understand them. For the next 1 hour, each of those allies adds the expert’s Tutelage die to any ability check they make would benefit from proficiency with the chosen skill or tool.
At 5th level, an expert’s Tutelage Die increases to 1d6 and they can share their proficiency with up to ten allies.
At 9th level, an expert’s Tutelage Die increases to 1d8 and they can share their proficient with up to thirty allies.
Starting at 2nd level, when an expert makes an ability check or attack roll that does not include their proficiency bonus, they can add half their proficiency bonus, rounded down, to the result.
Take 10
At 2nd level, an expert becomes more reliable when using skills and tools that they are proficient with. Whenever this expert makes an ability check that includes their proficiency bonus, and the d20 roll is less than their expert level, they treat the roll as a 10.
Ability Improvement
At 4th level, and again at 8th and 12th level, an expert can either increase one ability score by 2, increase two ability scores by 1, or gain a talent.
Quick Wit
Starting at 5th level, an expert can use a bonus action instead of an action to demoralize, feint, startle, study, or taunt an enemy.
Starting at 11th level, when an expert uses an action to demoralize, feint, startle, study, or taunt an enemy on their turn, they can use that action twice, instead.
Take 20
Starting at 11th level, an expert becomes able to generate exceptional outcomes more reliably. Whenever they make an ability check that includes their proficiency bonus, and the d20 roll is less than that ability’s modifier, they treat the roll as a 20.