A shaper’s power first manifested after they were exposed to elemental energy of air, earth, or water, allowing them to sense, harness, manipulate, and matter of that type.
Essence of Elements – At 1st level, a shaper chooses one of the three elemental phases: air, earth, or water, and gains the following benefits based on that choice:

Air – This shaper is an aeromancer. They learn the cantrips shape air and wield air in addition to the cantrips learned from the Spellcasting feature. In addition, their jump distances are doubled and they never taking falling damage unless they are incapacitated.
Earth – This shaper is a geomancer. They learn the cantrips shape earth and wield earth in addition to the cantrips learned from the Spellcasting feature. In addition, they gain additional hit points equal to their sorcerer level and the hit dice they gain from the sorcerer class are d8s instead of d6s.
Moreover, a geomancer can use a bonus action to shape sand and earth into light armor, heavy armor, a shield, or any melee weapon they choose (or to destroy one of these objects. They are proficient with these arms and armor.
Armor created this way is created on the geomancer and can only be removed by being destroyed. If a weapon or shield created this way is wielded by another creature, it is crude and weighs three times the normal amount.
Water – This shaper is a hydromancer. They learn the cantrips shape water and wield water in addition to the cantrips learned from the Spellcasting feature. In addition, they can breathe water, can swim at full speed, no longer require their hands to move or maintain position while swimming, and are acclimated to the depths, mitigating any pressure exposure they suffer.
Sense Elements – Starting at 1st level, a shaper can sense the presence of any matter of their chosen element within 10 yards, and can use an action to focus on one object of the chosen type that fits within a 3 yard cube, making a DC 11 Intelligence (Nature) check to gain information about it.
On a failure, the shaper only knows whether the object is natural or worked, whether it is native to the local plane or not, and whether or not it contains any impurities or alchemically reactive compounds.
On a pass, the shaper knows roughly how long it has been since the object was last worked or how long ago it was formed. If the object is native to another plane, they know which plane. If the object contains impurities or alchemically reactive compounds, they know how much of them and what kind.
Mantle of Elements– Starting at 2nd level, a shaper can use a bonus action and spend 1 Sorcery Point to generate a visible mantle of elemental matter of their chosen type around themselves for 1 minute. This effect ends early if they are incapacitated or use a bonus action to end it early.
While the mantle is active, the shaper’s eyes glow with an unearthly light, unshielded flames within 3 yards of them are doused or smothered, and unattended objects within 3 yards of them are knocked around and possibly soaked. This evident power allows them to add their Charisma modifier to Constitution (Intimidation) checks.
In addition, the conduit adds their Charisma modifier to the damage of Transmutation spells that manipulate matter of the chosen type and creates difficult terrain and light concealment for other creatures within 3 yards.
Insuppressible Elements – Starting at 6th level, a shaper can exert themselves to force a spell that manipulates their chosen element to take effect. Whenever one or more enemies pass a saving throw to resist or end a spell of their element, they can spend a Sorcery Point to add 1d6 to the save DC, possibly causing their enemies to fail.
However, if the result of the d6 is above a certain threshold, they take fatigue damage equal to three times the rank of the spell they cast (cantrips don’t cause this damage). The threshold is their Constitution modifier for earth, their Strength modifier for water, and their Dexterity modifier for air.
One With the Elements – Starting at 10th level, a shaper can spend a bonus action and 2 Sorcery Points to transform into an elemental of their chosen type. The statistics for a weird can be found in the Bestiary.
This transformation lasts for a number of hours equal to the shaper’s sorcerer level, and ends early if they are reduced to 0 hit points or use a bonus action to revert to their natural form. While transformed this way, their Mantle of Elements is always active.
When a shaper transforms, they note their current hit points and then assume the hit points of the elemental. When they revert back to their natural form, they resume their noted hit points. If they were transformed because they were reduced to 0 hit points, any excess damage is applied to their natural hit points.