This scrapper excels in hand-to-hand combat, focusing on grapples, throws, and other wrestling maneuvers. Nearly every culture of Zekaria has its own tradition of wrestling. As a wrestler masters this style, they learn more advanced techniques.
Athleticism – At 3rd level, whenever a wrestler make a Strength (Athletics) check, they can add their Dexterity modifier to the total. In addition, they add their Dexterity modifier to their Speed in addition to their Strength modifier when calculating their jumping distance.
Grappler – At 3rd level, a wrestler learns the Grappler Fighting Style from the man-at-arms class, which allows them to use a bonus action to Grapple, Shove, or Wrestle.
At 6th level, a wrestler learns the Improved Grappler Fighting Style: at the start of their turn, they can use a reaction to make a single Wrestle attack against one enemy that is grappled by them.
Reversal – Starting at 3rd level, whenever a wrestler Escapes an enemy’s grapple, they can choose to grapple that enemy.
Kip Up – Starting at 6th level, standing from prone costs a wrestler only 1 yard of movement.
Redirect Attack – Starting at 6th level, when an enemy that the wrestler can see misses them with a melee attack, the wrestler can use a reaction and spend 1 Stamina Point to cause the attack to hit a different creature of their choice that is adjacent to the wrestler.
If the wrestler has an enemy grappled, they can use this feature to redirect ranged attacks to that enemy.
True Grit – Starting at 9th level, when a wrestler makes an ability check, attack roll, or saving throw with disadvantage, they can spend 2 Stamina Points to cancel the disadvantage for that roll.