This expert has the training of a military officer, learning to fight alongside their troops and command them to great effect. As an officer excels in this field, they learn special maneuvers and commands that they can use to bolster their attacks or those of their allies.

Recommended Clever Tricks – An officer will probably benefit most from Analyze, Encourage, Strategize, and Target.
Recommended Discoveries – An officer will probably benefit most from Intimidation, Investigation, Perception, and Persuasion.
At 1st level, an officer gains proficiency with armor, shields, and versatile melee weapons, as well as with their choice of heavy melee weapons or projectile weapons.
Hit Points
An officer is more militarily inclined than other experts, gaining additional hit points equal to their expert level. In addition, the hit dice they receive from the expert class are d10s, rather than d8s.
Fighting Style
At 3rd level, an officer learns a Fighting Style from the man-at-arms class.
At 3rd level, and again at 6th level and 10th level, an officer learns two maneuvers from the Weapon Master subclass of the man-at-arms. These maneuvers can be used by the officer, and potentially by their allies.
An officer’s maneuvers are fueled with battle dice. When an officer gains this feature, they have two battle dice. They gain a third when they reach 6th level in this class, and a fourth when they reach 10th level.
An officer’s battle dice are the same size as their Tutelage Die, and expended battle dice are regained whenever the officer finishes a short rest.
When an ally within 10 yards that the officer can see does anything that would allow the officer to use a maneuver, the officer can use a reaction and spend a battle die to allow that ally to use the maneuver if the ally can hear and understand the officer.
Extra Attack
Starting at 6th level, when an officer uses the Attack action on their turn, they can attack twice, instead of once.
Improved Fighting Style
At 10th level, an officer learns either the Improved version of the Fighting Style they learned at 3rd level or an additional Fighting Style from the man-at-arms class.