At 1st level, and again at 3rd, 5th, 7th, 9th, and 11th levels, an expert learns a Discovery that allows them better use a particular skill or tool. They gain expertise with one skill or toolset that they are proficient with and gain an additional benefit depending on that choice.
Acrobatics – This expert can use a bonus action to stand from prone, Disengage, or Escape.
Animal Handling – This expert can spend 1 hour bonding with a beast within 3 yards that is not hostile towards them. This beast becomes their companion until the expert bonds with another beast.
A companion acts independently of the expert, but always obeys their commands. In combat, it makes its own initiative check and acts on its own turn.
The maximum level of beast that an expert can bond with is equal to their proficiency bonus.
Arcana – This expert creates a ritual book, wherein they can record spells that have the ritual tag. When an expert first makes this Discovery, their ritual book contains a number of spells equal to their proficiency bonus whose rank is less than their proficiency bonus. Whenever their proficiency bonus increases, they can add an additional spell to their ritual book.
While the expert is holding their ritual book, they can cast the spells recorded within as rituals. Their spellcasting ability for those spells is Intelligence.
If an expert finds a copy of a spell that has the ritual tag and is written in a language they understand, they can add it to their ritual book during a long rest.
Athletics – This expert can use a bonus action to Dash or to make a single unarmed attack or grapple attack.
Deception – This expert can use an action to feint a sentient enemy within 3 yards that can see or hear them, making a Charisma (Deception) check against the enemy’s passive Insight.
On a pass, the enemy takes psychic damage equal to the expert’s Tutelage Die + their Charisma modifier, uses their reaction to shift 3 yards towards the expert, and is off-guard until the end of the expert’s next turn
On a failure, the enemy can’t be feinted by the expert for 1 hour.
History – This expert learns a number of additional languages equal to their proficiency bonus. Whenever their proficiency bonus increases, they learn an additional language from this discovery.
Insight – If this expert spends 1 minute observing a sentient creature as they interact with others, they can attempt a Wisdom (Insight) check against that creature’s passive Deception.
On a pass, the expert determines the creature’s mental ability scores (Intelligence, Wisdom, and Charisma), proficiency bonus, personality traits, and which mental saving throws the creature is proficient with.
On a failure, the expert can’t use this feature on that creature again for 1 hour.
Intimidation – This expert can use an action to startle a sentient enemy within 3 yards that can see or hear them, making a Constitution (Intimidation) check against the enemy’s passive Persuasion.
On a pass, the enemy takes psychic damage equal to the expert’s Tutelage Die + their Constitution modifier, uses their reaction to shift 3 yards away from the expert, and is rattled until the end of the expert’s next turn.
On a failure, the enemy can’t be startled by the expert for 1 hour.
Investigation – This expert can use an action to study an enemy within 10 yards that they can see, making an Intelligence (Investigation) check against the enemy’s passive Investigation.
On a pass, the expert adds their Tutelage die to damage rolls against that enemy for the next hour and that enemy subtracts their Tutelage die from ability checks and saving throws made against the expert.
On a failure, the target can’t be studied by the expert for 1 hour.
Medicine – This expert can spend 10 minutes tending the wounds of an adjacent living creature that they can see. That creature gains temporary hit points equal to the expert’s Tutelage Die + their Wisdom modifier. While they have these temporary hit points, they add the expert’s Tutelage die to death saving throws and saving throws made to resist ailments. If the creature still has these temporary hit points the next time they finish a short rest, they lose them an regain an equal number of hit points.
Nature – This expert creates a recipe book, wherein they can record the recipes for alchemical mixtures. When an expert first makes this Discovery, their recipe book contains a number of recipes equal to their proficiency bonus. Whenever their proficiency bonus increases they can add an additional recipe.
If an expert finds a copy of a recipe that is written in a language they understand, they can add it to their recipe book during a long rest.
Perception – If this expert spends 1 minute observing a living creature as they move, work, or fight, they can size them up, making a Wisdom (Perception) check against the creature’s passive Stealth.
On a pass, the expert determines the creature’s physical ability scores (Constitution, Strength, and Dexterity), Defense, Speed, current and total hit points, and which physical saving throws the creature is proficient with.
On a failure, the expert can’t use this feature against them again for 1 hour.
Persuasion – This expert can spend 10 minutes giving an inspiring speech to sentient creatures within 10 yards that can hear them. If they do, they and each affected creature gain temporary hit points equal to the expert’s Tutelage Die + their Charisma modifier.
Religion – This expert chooses one Religion from the priest class and gains the Channel Divinity feature for priests of that Religion. Once the expert uses the Channel Divinity feature, they must finish a short rest before using it again. If the expert also has Channel Divinity from another source (such as the priest class), this use of the feature is in addition to those uses.
Stealth – This expert learns to pick pockets and perform other feats of sleight of hand. When they enter or leave a space within 1 yard of another creature, they can use a reaction to remove one handheld object from that creature or place one handheld object on that creature.
The expert makes a Dexterity (Stealth) check against the creature’s passive Perception. On a pass, the object is removed or placed without the creature noticing. On a failure, the expert can either remove or place the object and alert the creature OR they can abort their attempt and remain unnoticed.
Survival – This expert chooses one type of terrain. While in that terrain, they add their Tutelage Die to Strength, Dexterity, Intelligence (initiative, Investigation, Nature), and Wisdom (Animal Handling, Perception, Survival) checks.
Toolset – Armorer’s Pliers – This expert can spend 1 hour during a short rest inspecting and mending a harness of armor. The next time a creature dons the mended armor, their current and maximum hit points are increased by the expert’s Tutelage Die + their Wisdom modifier for as long as they wear it.
Toolset – Blacksmith’s Hammer – This expert can spend 1 hour during a short rest sharpening a melee weapon that has a metal striking edge. When a creature hits with the weapon, they add the expert’s Tutelage Die to the damage roll. Each hit reduces the die by one size. When the die is reduced below 1d2, the effect ends.
Toolset – Fletcher’s Knife – This expert can spend 1 hour during a short rest inspecting and mending a number of arrows or bolts equal to their Tutelage Die + their Wisdom modifier. These arrows or bolts become masterwork until the next time they are loosed, granting a +1 enhancement bonus to attack and damage rolls.
Toolset – Language – This expert chooses a specific language. While interacting in that language with another fluent speaker, they add their Tutelage Die to Wisdom (Insight), Charisma (Deception, Persuasion), and Constitution (Intimidation) checks.
Toolset – Ritual Implements – While this expert is wielding their ritual implement, they can add their Wisdom modifier to Defense and to saving throws made to maintain concentration on spells.
Toolset – Thieves’ Picks – This expert adds their Tutelage Die to ability checks made to detect and disarm traps and to saving throws made to avoid them
In addition, whenever they trip a trap, they can use a reaction to evade it. If the trap hits them with an attack, they take only half damage. If the trap forces them to make a saving throw for half damage, they instead take no damage with a passed saving throw and only half damage with a failed saving throw.