Chapter 2 – Classes

As heroes advance beyond 0th level, they gain levels in one or more classes. There are eight core classes in the Song of Evermorrow: expert, man-at-arms, priest, scrapper, skirmisher, sorcerer, wizard, and warrior, which are mostly reskinned versions of the core classes from RAW 5ed.

Experts focus on using skills, taking some of the skill emphasis from rogues and expanding what their skills can do to heroic levels. This class steals some aspects of the bard and warlock to create a class unique to these rules. The core ability for an expert is Intelligence, Wisdom, or Charisma.

Men-at-Arms are one of the four martial classes, focusing on physical combat with an emphasis on heavy armor and focused training. This class is modeled off the fighter, which is probably the worst name for a class ever. The core ability for a man-at-arms is Strength.

Priests are one of the three magical classes, with access to the schools of Divination, Enchantment, Invocation, and Metaphysics. This class is modeled off the cleric and druid, with some paladin and warlock thrown in. The core ability for a priest is Wisdom.

Scrappers are on the four martial classes, focusing on physical combat with an emphasis on ferocity and rapid aggression. This class is modeled off the monk, though without the Wuxia spiritualism (unless you pursue that particular subclass). The core abilities for a scrapper are Constitution and Dexterity.

Skirmishers are one of the four martial classes, focusing on evasion and delivering one devastating attack per turn. This class is modeled off the rogue, but opens up the possibility of hit-and-run fighters that aren’t thieves. The core ability for a skirmisher is Dexterity.

Sorcerers are one of the three magical classes, with access to the schools of Enchantment, Evocation, Invocation, and Transmutation. This class is modeled off the sorcerer and warlock. The core ability for a sorcerer is Charisma.

Warriors are one of the four martial classes, focusing on hitting hard with heavy weapons and unstoppable rage. This class is modeled off the barbarian, but allows for intense, rage-fueled fighters from civilized lands. The core abilities for a warrior are Constitution and Strength.

Wizards are one of the three magical classes, with access to the schools of Divination, Evocation, Metaphysics, and Transmutation. This class is modeled off the classic wizard. The core ability for a wizard is Intelligence.

Some readers might notice that a few classes are missing. All of these became subclasses: Bards are Experts (Gentry), Druids are Priests (Stewardship), Paladins are Men-at-Arms (Champion), Rangers are Skirmishers (Scout), and Warlocks are Experts (Occultist). If someone is looking for the Artificer or Psion, they are the Armorer and Psychic subclasses of the Expert.

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