Ability Scores

Each hero has six core ability scores that define their innate gifts of Constitution, Strength, Dexterity, Intelligence, Wisdom, and Charisma. These scores typically range from 8 to 16.

Ability Modifier – Each ability has a modifier equal to half its value (rounded down) minus 5. This modifier is added to various dice rolls and calculations throughout the game.

Starting Ability Scores – During hero creation, a player assigns the scores 16, 14, 14, 12, 10, and 8 to their hero’s abilities as they choose.

Alternatively, a player can customize their hero’s starting array of scores. Using this method, a player has 32 points to spend. The cost to purchase each score is shown on the table to the right.

Either method produces heroes with exceptional talent. Members of the supporting cast have 24 points to spend, while extras have only 16 points.


Constitution is a measure of physical hardiness and tenacity. A hero adds their Constitution modifier to ability checks made to frighten or intimidate others.

Core Classes – Members of the scrapper and warrior classes rely heavily on Constitution to take full advantage of their class features, such as Ferocity.

Saving Throws – A hero makes Constitution saving throws to resist afflictions and ailments, and to hold onto dear life when dying.

Hit Points are a measure of how much damage it takes to incapacitate a hero. A hero has base hit points equal to 5 + their Constitution modifier, and gains additional hit points each level based on their class and Constitution modifier.

If a hero’s Constitution modifier increases or decreases, they recalculate their total hit points based on the new modifier.

For example, if a hero increases their Constitution from 14 to 16 when they reach 4th level in the man-at-arms class, their base hit points increase from 7 to 8 (5 + modifier), and their class hit points increase from 32 to 36 (6 + modifier per level).


Strength is a measure of physical power and athleticism. A hero adds their Strength modifier to ability checks made to climb, jump, swim, and wrestle, and to attack rolls with most melee and thrown weapons.

Core Classes – Members of the man-at-arms and warrior classes rely heavily on Strength to take full advantage of versatile and heavy weapons they wield.

Saving Throws – A hero makes Strength saving throws to resist effects that would forcibly move or physically restrain them.

Carrying Capacity determines how much weight (in pounds) a hero can carry before becoming encumbered. If the weight a hero carries exceeds their Strength score, they will suffer a reduced Speed and may suffer a reduction to their Defense and other disadvantages, as described in Chapter 3: Equipment.


Dexterity is a measure of physical quickness and precision. A hero adds their Dexterity modifier to ability checks made to balance, tumble, hide, and sneak, and to attack rolls with projectile weapons and some melee weapons.

Core Classes – Members of the scrapper and skirmisher class rely heavily on Dexterity to maximize their Defense in lieu of bulky armor.

Saving Throws – A hero makes Dexterity saving throws to quickly dive out of the way of area attacks, such as those produced by a fireball.

Defense determines how hard it is to strike a hero with a physical weapon or a targeted spell that deals some type of physical or energy damage. A hero’s base Defense is equal to 10 + their Dexterity modifier.


Intelligence is a measure of mental acuity, reason, and memory. A hero adds their Intelligence modifier to ability checks made to recall facts and the make logical deductions.

Core Classes – Members of the wizard class and some members of the expert class rely heavily on Intelligence to maximize the effectiveness of their spells, skills, and other class features.

Saving Throws – A hero makes Intelligence saving throws to resist attempts to outsmart them or to ignore the effects of illusions.

Initiative determines how quickly a hero gets to act in combat. At the start of each battle, a hero makes an Intelligence check to determine their count in the initiative order.


Wisdom is a measure of mental focus, intuition, and perceptiveness. A hero adds their Wisdom modifier to ability checks made to apply practical skills and to notice things about the people and places around them.

Core Classes – Members of the priest class and some members of the expert class rely heavily on Wisdom to maximize the effectiveness of their spells, skills, and other class features.

Saving Throws – A hero makes Wisdom saving throws to avoid distraction or trickery, and to maintain their composure when flustered or provoked.

Passive Insight & Passive Perception determines how hard it is to deceive a hero or hide from them, respectively. Both have a base value equal to 10 + the hero’s Wisdom modifier.


Charisma is a measure of confidence, eloquence, and general ability to charm or command others. A hero adds their Charisma modifier to ability checks made to influence others in social situations.

Core Classes – Members of the sorcerer class and some members of the expert class rely heavily on Charisma to maximize the effectiveness of their spells, skills, and other class features.

Saving Throws – A hero makes Charisma saving throws to resist fear and other forms of mental domination, as well as for rolls of random luck.

For many players, this is the most important saving throw in the game. Being stayed by fear or dominated by compulsion inherently takes away a hero’s agency and limits the player’s ability to interact with the story. Nevertheless, this is a threat that heroes face in the Song of Evermorrow.