A1 – Crusade of Venna

I’ve always been drawn to aggressive playstyles and usually want to play the hero, rather than the villain. So my first and still favorite deck is White Weenie. Back when we first started playing, we just piled everything we owned together and called it a deck. Then our friend Todd realized that if he made a deck as small as possible (forty cards, by the rules back then) and made it one color with lots of creature removal (black), he could destroy any of the other decks around. And he was right.

Todd also realized the extreme utility of fast red creatures backed up with Lightning Bolts. It would later occur to me that Todd had convergently evolved two of the tier-one decks of the mid 90’s: Mono Black Control/Necropotence and Mono-Red Goblin Burn/Sligh. My buddy Chris also noticed the third great deck of the era: White-Blue Control.

What was I to do? My plucky band of soldiers and knights couldn’t stand a chance. Then my brother James taught me that I was playing to right color the wrong way. At professional tournaments (which we’d never really heard of), there was a deck called White Weenie that played nearly as fast as Sligh and could stop it in its tracks with Mother of Runes and Repentant Blacksmith. It did pretty well against Necro by playing everything out of its hand before the skull-jockey could make them discard it and standing fast against removal with Mother of Runes and White Knight. It could even outrun White-Blue Control, because they couldn’t counter everything.

The original narrative of the deck was a janky band of underdogs attempting to overthrow the powerful mages, crazed goblins, and sinister cultists. These were the common people rising up against the supernatural and bizarre. I was overjoyed to replace the Blacksmith with Silver Knight in Scourge, and once Mirrodin introduced Human as a creature type, the deck was a de facto tribal deck, albeit with no tribal support until much later.

The current iteration is Human Tribal, focusing primarily on aggressive assaults and buffing my creatures with mass effects like Sanctuary Lockdown, Divine Sacrament, and Spear of Heliod.