Starting at 1st level, an expert learns an assortment of tricks to make their lives easier or to preserve their life in dangerous situations. When an expert gains this feature, they learn two Clever Tricks. They learn another when they reach 6th level, and another when they reach 10th level.

Analyze – This expert can use a bonus action to analyze any number of creatures they can see. For the next minute, when making attacks against a creature they have analyzed, they can add their Intelligence modifier to weapon attack and weapon damage rolls instead of their Strength or Dexterity modifier.

Attentive – This expert can use a bonus action to Search and adds their Wisdom modifier to initiative checks in addition to their Intelligence modifier.

Dabble – This expert learns one cantrip from any class. If they are wielding a ritual implement, they can cast the cantrip using the same ability as the chosen class. The cantrip requires verbal and somatic components if it doesn’t already.

Demoralize – This expert can use an action to demoralize a sentient enemy within 10 yards that can see or hear them, making a Constitution (Intimidation) check against the enemy’s passive Persuasion.

If they pass, the enemy takes psychic damage equal to the expert’s Constitution modifier and has disadvantage on the next ability check or attack roll they make before the end of the expert’s next turn.

Encourage – This expert can use a bonus action to encourage another sentient creature within 10 yards that can hear and understand them. That creature gains temporary hit points equal to the expert’s Tutelage Die + their Charisma modifier for 1 minute.

Inure – This expert can spend 10 minutes preparing others for hardship. If they do, they choose an ability score and up to three creatures within 10 yards that can hear and understand them. For the next 1 hour, those creatures can add 1d4 to saving throws they make with the chosen ability score.

Mimic – This expert can spend 1 minute observing another sentient creature as they interact with others while speaking a language the expert understands. Once they do, they can pass themselves off as a native speaker of the same language. With a successful Charisma (Deception) check against an enemy’s passive Insight, the expert can pass themselves off as the specific individual they observed.

Pantomime – This expert can use an action to surreptitiously convey a simple message to a familiar acquaintance within 10 yards that can see them.

Polymath – This expert gains proficiency with an additional language or toolset of their choice.

Strategize – When this expert makes an initiative check, they can shout orders to allies within 10 yards that can hear them. Each of those allies adds the expert’s Intelligence modifier to their initiative result.

In addition, this expert can use a bonus action to Help. When they Help, they can assist any ally within 10 yards that can see or hear them.

Swindle – When this expert is interacting with sentient creatures that understand them, they can attempt to fast-talk those creatures. Doing so grants the expert advantage on Charisma checks made to influence those creatures for 1 minute. However, after that minute, the creatures realize that they were swindled, and may become hostile.

Target – This expert can use an action to target a creature within 30 yards that they can see. On their next turn, they gain advantage on their first attack roll against that creature, and if that attack hits, it is treated as a critical hit. If the expert’s concentration is disrupted before making that attack, they must pass a concentration saving throw or lose this benefit.

Taunt – This expert can use an action to taunt a sentient enemy within 10 yards that can see or hear them, making a Charisma (Deception) check against the enemy’s passive Insight.

If they pass, the enemy takes psychic damage equal to the expert’s Charisma modifier and the next ability check or attack roll made against them before the end of the expert’s next turn is made with advantage.

Theatrics – This expert can use a bonus action to perform some feat of theatrics, such as causing their voice to boom three times as loud as normal, throwing their voice up to 10 yards, rolling their eyes back, or talking in tongues. Doing so allows them to add their Charisma modifier to Constitution (Intimidation) checks, in addition to their Constitution modifier.

Virtuoso – This expert has an excellent singing voice or knack for storytelling. They no longer need an instrument or act to perform, making a Charisma check to sing or tell stories. If they accompany their performance with an instrument or other act, they can also make an ability check for the instrument or act and use the higher of the two results.

Weapon Training – This expert gains proficiency with their choice of versatile melee weapons or projectile weapons.