Deep Thoughts #9
It’s been a few weeks since my last update. I was very busy the previous weekend hosting a bonfire where my niblings got to smack each other with foam swords. Good times were had by all, even though I set the lawn on fire. In the Library this week, I finally laid out and uploaded…
Deep Thoughts #8
Deep Thoughts #8 This week’s gaming session went pretty well, all things considered. My Elven Ranger, Shadow That Comes in Sight, was able to correctly identify two shapeshifting demons who were terrorizing the town of Wiaz and, with the help of Bob the Druid and some halfling, was able to dispatch both of them along…
Deep Thoughts #7
Unfortunately, there is not gaming this Sunday. Normally on my rotating schedule of gaming, this would be a week where I’d play HeroQuest with my brother and nephew. So I decided to update my website instead. In the Song of Evermorrow, I’ve added the main page for the Warrior class including the subclass for the…
Magus of the Prairie #3
A3 – Night Train As we work our way around the color wheel, we next come to black. Black will always hold a special place in my heart because 1) I’m still a moody teenager at heart (you wouldn’t understand), and 2) it’s the iconic MTG color for my good friend Breymeyer and my brother…
Magus of the Prairie #1
In this recurring column, I will be posting the decks I’m working on for my favorite card game – Magic. I started playing Magic shortly after they first traveled to Jamuraa back in 1996 and have been playing steadily for last twenty-six years. Me and many of my close friends cite the game as a…