Described below are the six ways that a hero can earn experience in a session. At the end of each session, the DM awards experience based on what the heroes did.
To gain a level, a hero spends a number of experience points equal to the square of the level they are attaining. For example, if they are going from 3rd level to 4th, they must spend 16 experience points.

Learn Something New – At the end of the session, a hero gains one experience point if they or their player learned something new about themselves, someone else, or the setting in general.
Loot a Memorable Treasure – At the end of the session, a hero gains one experience point if they claimed a memorable item, treasure, or non-fungible reward such as a title or epithet.
Interact with the Cast – At the end of the session, a hero gains one experience point if they developed, maintained, or changed a relationship with another hero or a member of the supporting cast.
Overcome a Challenge – At the end of the session, a hero gains one experience point if they overcame a memorable challenge, be it a combat encounter, a puzzle, or a skill challenge.
Play Their Role – At the end of the session, a hero gains one experience point if they made a meaningful decision that either upheld their ideal or indulged their flaw, or if they played into their background’s complication.
Accomplish Goals – At the end of the session, a player states one goal that their hero has or that they have for themselves or their hero. A hero gains one experience point for each goal they accomplish.