Faith Militant

Priests of this Order are the military arm of their religion, guarding sacred sites, protecting pilgrims, and waging war against infidels.

Armaments – At 1st level, a militant priest gains proficiency with armor, versatile melee weapons, and their choice of heavy melee weapons, projectile weapons, or shields.

Gird for Battle – A militant priest gains additional hit points equal to their priest level and the hit dice they receive from the priest class are d8s, rather than d6s.

War Magic – Starting at 5th level, when a militant priest uses an action to cast a priest cantrip or use Channel Divinity on their turn, they can use a bonus action to make a single weapon attack.

In addition, a militant priest of this level has advantage on Constitution saving throws made to maintain concentration on spells.

Divine Strike – Starting at 8th level, whenever a militant priest hits an enemy with an unarmed attack or weapon attack, they can add 1d8 psychic damage to the roll.