Faith Academic

Priests of this Order are the scholarly and administrative arm of their religion, preaching to the faithful and interpreting doctrine. What they lack in martial prowess and skill at arms they make up for with knowledge and more potent spells.

Canonical Theory – At 1st level, an academic priest gains proficiency with the Religion skill and learns to speak the liturgical language of their faith.

Practical Magic – At 1st level, an academic priest focuses on the use of a specific type of implement, choosing one of the following:

Icon – While wielding an icon of their faith, this priest adds +1 to Armor Class and saving throws.

Relic – While wielding a relic that is sacred to their faith, this priest adds +1 to spell checks and spell attack rolls.

Scripture – While wielding a copy of scriptures written in their faith’s liturgical language, this priest adds +1 to the save DC of their spells.

Banish – Starting at 5th level, an academic priest gains the ability to banish otherworldly entities, rather than simply turning them. If a spirit would be turned by a priest of this level, they are instead banished to their native plane if their CR or level is lower than the priest’s Power. Undead creatures that are banished are shunted to the appropriate afterlife.

Potent Spellcasting – Starting at 8th level, an academic priest adds their Wisdom modifier to the damage rolls of any spells they cast.