This man-at-arms is a hardened veteran of the battle lines, accustomed to fighting shoulder-to-shoulder with other soldiers in close formation. Some rise to serve as elite bodyguards to important nobles, while others live out their careers in the ranks. As a footman pursues this discipline, they grow tougher and ever more resilient.

Formation – At 3rd level, a footman learns to fight in tight formations without impeding their allies. They do not provide cover to enemies when those enemies are attacked by an ally within 3 yards of the footman that the footman can see or hear.
In addition, they provide light cover to any ally that is adjacent to them. This increases to heavy cover if they are closer to the attacker than their ally.
Hold the Line – Starting at 3rd level, a footman becomes better able to hold the line of battle. When they hit an enemy with a counterattack, that enemy’s Speed is reduced to 0 yards for the rest of the turn.
In addition, an enemy within the footman’s reach provokes a counterattack from them whenever they attack a target other than the footman.
Lastly, enemy’s provoke counterattacks from a footman even if they take the Disengage action before leaving the footman’s reach.
Durable – Starting at 7th level, whenever a footman rolls a hit die or uses the Second Wind feature, they can roll the die twice, and use the higher result.
In addition, a footman of this level can use the Second Wind feature twice before requiring a short rest to recover it.
Indefatigable – Starting at 10th level, when a footman uses the Indomitable feature to reroll a saving throw, it is only expended if that saving throw passes.
In addition, if a footman of this level ends a short rest with no hit dice remaining, they regain one hit die.