
A conduit’s power first manifested after they were exposed to the fundamental energy of cold, fire, force, or light, allowing them to sense, harness, manipulate, and project energy of that type.

Essence of Energy – At 1st level, a conduit chooses one of the four fundamental energies (cold, fire, force, or light), gaining the following benefits based on that choice:

Cold – This conduit is a cryomancer. They learn the cantrips cool and freezing pulse in addition to the cantrips they learn from the Spellcasting feature and are acclimated to cold environments, mitigating any cold exposure they suffer. In addition, as long as they have a free hand and are not incapacitated, they can encase their hand in ice to make it any light melee weapon or tool that they are proficient with.

Fire – This conduit is a pyromancer. They learn the cantrips burning pulse and warm in addition to the cantrips they learn from the Spellcasting feature and are acclimated to hot environments, mitigating any heat exposure they suffer. In addition, as long as they have a free hand and are not incapacitated, they can generate flame from their hand, shedding bright light in a radius up to 4 yards and dim light an equal distance beyond that.

Force – This conduit is a fortimancer. They learn the cantrips blade ward and kinetic pulse in addition to the cantrips they learn from the Spellcasting feature and are acclimated to pressure, mitigating any pressure exposure they suffer. In addition, as long as they have a free hand and are not incapacitated, they can generate a kinetic shield that grants them a +2 bonus to AC.

Light – This conduit is an electromancer. They learn the cantrips dancing lights and shocking pulse in addition to the cantrips they learn from the Spellcasting feature. In addition, as long as they have a free hand and are not incapacitated, they can generate light from their hand, shedding bright light in a radius up to 4 yards and dim light an equal distance beyond that.

Sense Energy – Starting at 1st level, a conduit can sense energy of the type they chose for their Essence of Energy feature. This sense extends out to 10 yards, making the conduit aware of any unshielded aura of that type. They can use an action to focus on an aura, making a Wisdom (Perception) check to discern information about that aura as though they had cast detect magic.

Mantle of Energy – Starting at 2nd level, a conduit can use a bonus action and spend 1 Sorcery Point to generate a visible mantle of energy of their chosen type around themselves for 1 minute. This effect ends early if they are incapacitated or use a bonus action to end it early.

While the mantle is active, the conduit’s eyes glow with an unearthly light and unattended objects within 3 yards of them freeze, boil, crackle, or rattle around depending on their chosen energy type. This evident power allows them to add their Charisma modifier to Constitution (Intimidation) checks.

In addition, the conduit adds their Charisma modifier to the damage of Evocation spells that deal the chosen type of energy damage and any other creature that starts their turn within 3 yards of them takes damage of the appropriate type equal to their Power + their Charisma modifier.

Resist Energy – At 6th level, a conduit becomes resistant to damage of their chosen type. If their Mantle of Energy is active, they are instead immune.

In addition, whenever a conduit of this level takes damage of their chosen type, they can spend a Sorcery Point to become immune to that damage. If they do, they can also spend a hit die to regain hit points equal to the die roll + their Constitution modifier + their Charisma modifier.

Weird Shape – Starting at 10th level, a conduit can spend a bonus action and 2 Sorcery Points to transform into a weird of their chosen energy type. The statistics for a weird can be found in the Bestiary.

This transformation lasts for a number of hours equal to the conduit’s sorcerer level, and ends early if they are reduced to 0 hit points or use a bonus action to revert to their natural form. While transformed this way, their Mantle of Energy is always active.

When a conduit transforms, they note their current hit points and then assume the hit points of the weird. When they revert back to their natural form, they resume their noted hit points. If they were transformed because they were reduced to 0 hit points, any excess damage is applied to their natural hit points.