Vow of Healing

This priest serves a deity who wants to help those in need, especially the sick and poor. This nurse vows to never take a sentient life, to provide care for all wounded, to provide counsel for those who seek it, and to live modestly, giving excess wealth to the needy. These priests are referred to colloquially as healers.

Vow Spells – Starting at 1st level, a healer gains access to the spells listed on the table to the right. These spells are always part of their Litany. If a spell’s normal rank exceeds the healer’s power, they can’t normally cast it.

Rank 0Soothing Touch, Vigor
Rank 1Grace, Healing Hands
Rank 2Aid, ?

Channel Divinity – Sanctuary – Starting at 2nd level, a healer can spend 10 minutes and use the Channel Divinity feature to prepare a place of rest that fills a square up to 10 yards wide. This place remains until the healer finishes a short rest or leaves the area.

Any dice a living creature rolls to regain hit points in the area restore the maximum number of hit points possible.

If a living creature in the area makes a saving throw to resist an affliction or other malady (including death saving throws), the healer can also make a spell check, and the creature can use either result.

Blessed Healer – Starting at 6th level, when a healer casts a spell that restores hit points to another living creature, the healer regains hit points equal to their Wisdom modifier + the spell’s rank.