
This wizard eschews the implements and incantations that insulate their mind and body from the Strands of Wyrd, allowing them to manipulate those Strands directly and precisely control the flow of magic around themselves.

Replace Component – Starting at 2nd level, a prestidigitator can cast spells without completing verbal components if they complete somatic components as part of the spell. If such a spell normally requires a target to be able to hear or understand the prestidigitator, the caster must instead be able to see the target.

In addition, when a prestidigitator casts a spell that has only somatic components, they can attempt a Dexterity (Stealth) check against the passive Perception of an enemy to pass their gestures off as incidental fidgeting.

Pluck the Strands – Starting at 6th level, a prestidigitator can use a bonus action and a free hand to pluck or settle one of the Strands of Wyrd, creating one of the following effects until the start of their next turn. The effect is centered on the space the prestidigitator occupied when they used this feature, and extend 30 yards in all directions.

Strand of Aard – Spells from the school of Evocation that are cast within the area cost one more spell point to cast or one less spell point to cast, chosen when the effect is created.

Strand of Axii – Spells from the school of Divination that are cast within the area cost one more spell point to cast or one less spell point to cast, chosen when the effect is created.

Strand of Quen – Spells from the school of Transmutation that are cast within the area cost one more spell point to cast or one less spell point to cast, chosen when the effect is created.

Strand of Yrden – Spells from the school of Metaphysics that are cast within the area cost one more spell point to cast or one less spell point to cast, chosen when the effect is created.

Wyrd Resonance – Starting at 10th level, a prestidigitator can use a bonus action and both hands to resonate or mute a Strand. This effect lasts for 1 minute or until a prestidigitator of this level uses a bonus action to end this effect.

If a Strand is resonating, spells in the area are cast as though the caster had cast them at one rank higher than they did. In addition, a caster has advantage on saving throws made to concentrate on spells of that Strand while in the area.

If a Strand is muted, spells in the area are cast as though the caster had cast them at one rank lower than they did. In addition, a caster has disadvantage on saving throws made to concentrate on spells of that Strand while in the area.

If a caster attempts to cast a muted spell whose rank is equal to or greater than their Power, the spell is countered unless they pass a spell check against the caster’s spell save DC.

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