Wizards are arcane scholars that use magical formulae and psychic energy to manipulate the Strands of Wyrd: a magical network of energy that crisscrosses all creation. While it is possible for a novice to uncover arcane secrets on their own, most wizards are trained at one of four academies.
Hit Points
With each wizard level, a hero’s maximum hit points increase by 4 + their Constitution modifier and they add a d6 to their pool of hit dice.
A hero must have an Intelligence score of at least 13 to multiclass as a wizard.
Starting Equipment
If a hero starts their adventures as a wizard, they begin the game with an implement that they have focused with, a head covering appropriate to their academy, a spell book, a traveler’s pack, and one weapon that they are proficient with.
At 1st level, a wizard gains proficiency with light melee weapons, thrown weapons, and staves.
Arcane Recovery
Starting at 1st level, a wizard has learned to recover a portion of their magical energy through meditation. When a wizard completes a short rest, they can recover a number of spell points equal to their Power. Once they use this feature, they must finish a long rest before using it again.
Implement Focus
At 1st level, a wizard focuses their training on a specific implement, which is usually defined by which of the four academies they were trained at. Each focus grants a different benefit:
Amulet – As long as this wizard is wielding an amulet, they add +1 to Defense and saving throws. Amulets are favored by students of the Eastern Academy, who traditionally wear turbans.
Orb – As long as this wizard is wielding an orb, they add +1 to the save DC of their spells. Orbs are favored by students of the Southern Academy, who traditionally wear hoods.
Staff – As long as this wizard is wielding a staff, they add their Intelligence modifier to the damage rolls for cantrips and ranked spells. Staves are favored by students of the Northern Academy, who traditionally wear thin metal caps.
Wand – As long as this wizard is wielding a wand, they add +1 to spell checks and spell attack rolls. Wands are favored by students of the Western Academy, who traditionally wear pointed hats.
Starting at 1st level, a wizard learns the precise gestures and esoteric words to cast spells from the schools of Divination, Evocation, Metaphysics, and Transmutation. Their spellcasting ability is Intelligence.
Power – A wizard’s Power starts at 1 when they gain this feature, and increases by one when they reached 3rd, 5th, 7th, 9th, and 11th levels in this class. A wizard can’t prepare or cast a spell whose rank exceeds their Power.
Casting Spells – Casting a wizard spell requires the normal casting time and components, as well as a number of spell points equal to its rank. When a wizard finishes a long rest, they lose any unspent spell points and gain a number equal to their proficiency bonus multiplied by their wizard level.
Spell Book – Wizards record the spells they learn in a spell book, which may be a long scroll, a bound tome, or any other written medium. Whatever form it takes, it is referred to as a spell book in these rules.
When a wizard first gains this feature, they create an initial spell book that contains six 1st-ranked spells and two cantrips of the wizard’s choice. Each time a wizard gains a level in this class, they can ad two cantrips and/or ranked spells to their spell book.
If a wizard finds a copy of a wizard spell written in a language that they understand, they can add it to their spell book during a long rest.
A wizard can transcribe spells that are too powerful for them to cast, possibly allowing them to cast those spells at Sites of Power or just to have them around for when they become more experienced.
Ritual Casting – While a wizard is holding their spell book and able to read from it, they can cast any spell therein as an arcane ritual if it has the ritual tag.
Repertoire – A wizard must have a spell prepared to cast it spontaneously. During a short rest, a wizard an spend an hour reviewing their spell book. When they finish the short rest, they prepare a number of cantrips equal to their proficiency bonus and a number of ranked spells equal to their Intelligence modifier + their wizard level
A spell can only be prepared if it is recorded in the wizard’s spell book and remains prepared until the wizard uses this feature again.
Arcane Major
When a wizard reaches 2nd level in this class, they specialize in one of the many arcane disciplines, which is known as their major. This choice grants them class features at 2nd, 6th, and 10th levels. Majors are described at the links to the right.
- Academia
- Battle Magic
- Incantation
- Prestidigitation
- Prodigy
- Scrivening
Ability Improvement
At 4th level, and again at 8th and 12th level, a wizard can either increase one ability score by 2, increase two ability scores by 1, or gain a talent.