A talent represents a specific area of expertise or training that gives a hero special capability. Most talents allow a hero from one class or subclass to dip their toe into the basic features of another class or subclass without multiclassing.
During hero creation, a hero starts with one talent of their choice. Whenever a hero gains the Ability Improvement feature from a class, they have the option of gaining an additional talent.
- Armor Training
- Background
- Backstab
- Bewitching
- Brawny
- Charger
- Combat Reflexes
- Endurance
- Energy Adept
- Fearsome
- Ferocity
- Footwork
- Formation
- Fury
- Implement Focus
- Keen Mind
- Light Sleeper
- Lucky
- Military Exper.
- Minor Sorcery
- Minor Stamina
- Mounted Combat
- Nimble
- Observant
- Overcast
- Quick
- Resilient
- Rote Memorization
- Savage Attacker
- Sentinel
- Simple Trick
- Skill Focus
- Skulk
- Steady Hand
- Supernatural Gift
- Toughness
- War Caster
- Weapon Training
Armor Training
This hero adds +1 to Strength, to a maximum of 20.
In addition, this hero gains proficiency with armor and with shields.
This hero has a complicated backstory, granting them an additional Background. This usually includes proficiency with additional skills, tools, languages, and an additional bond and complication. If a hero chooses this talent during hero creation, they also gain the associated starting equipment.
Once per turn, when this hero hits an enemy with a light melee weapon, thrown weapon, or projectile weapon they are proficient with, they can add 1d6 to the damage roll if they have advantage on their attack roll.
This hero adds +1 to Charisma, to a maximum of 20.
In addition, whenever this hero deals psychic damage to an enemy that is charmed, they deal additional psychic damage equal to their Charisma modifier and the damage does not end the spell or effect causing that enemy to be charmed.
This hero adds +1 to Strength, to a maximum of 20.
In addition, this hero doubles their carrying capacity and uses a die one size larger than normal for unarmed, melee, and thrown weapon attacks.
When this hero uses the Dash action on their turn, they can use a bonus action to make a single melee weapon attack or to Shove. If they move at least two yards in a straight line immediately before making that attack, they add an extra weapon die to the damage roll and their target has disadvantage on any ability check or saving throw to resist the attack.
Combat Reflexes
This hero is better able to react to opportunities. The number of reactions they can take each round is equal to their proficiency bonus. This hero can only take one reaction each turn.
This hero adds +1 to Constitution, to a max of 20.
In addition, this hero is resistant to fatigue damage suffered from overexertion during physical activity.
Further, they add their proficiency bonus to their Constitution modifier when determining how long they can withstand Deprivation and Exposure. If they already add their proficiency bonus (due to proficiency with Constitution saving throws), it is doubled, instead.
Lastly, they add their proficiency bonus to their Strength modifier when determining how productive they are when engaging in physical labor. If they already add their proficiency bonus (due to proficiency with Strength saving throws), it is doubled, instead.
Energy Adept
When a hero gains this talent, they choose acid, cold, fire, force, lightning, necrotic, or psychic damage. They are resistant to that type of damage and use dice one size larger than normal when dealing damage of that type.
This hero adds +1 to Constitution, to a max of 20.
In addition, whenever this hero deals damage to an enemy that is frightened, they deal additional psychic damage equal to their Constitution modifier.
This hero adds +1 to Constitution, to a max of 20.
In addition, this hero gains the Ferocity feature. Unless they are incapacitated, they add their Constitution modifier to Defense, in addition to their Dexterity modifier. If their Dexterity modifier to Defense is limited by encumbrance, so is their Constitution modifier.
Unless this hero is incapacitated or overloaded, they add their proficiency bonus to Defense and initiative.
Unless this hero is off-guard or incapacitated, they don’t provide cover to enemies when those enemies are attacked by an ally within 3 yards that the hero can hear or see, and they provide light cover to each adjacent ally they can see or hear. This increases to heavy cover if they are closer to the attacker than their ally is.
Unless this hero is heavily encumbered or overloaded, they can use a bonus action to become enraged for 1 minute, gaining all the benefits and restrictions of a warrior’s Rage. Their Rage die is either a d4 or the same size as their other Rage dice. Once a hero uses this talent, they must finish a long rest before using it again.
Implement Focus
When a hero gains this talent, they choose one of type of implement and gain the associated Alma Mater benefit from the wizard class. If they already gain that benefit, they instead gain the associated Implement Mastery feature from the battle magic arcane major.
Keen Mind
This hero adds +1 to Intelligence, to a maximum of 20. In addition, this hero gains the following benefits:
- They can always discern which way is north.
- They always know how many hours remain until the next sunrise or sunset.
- They can accurately recall anything they have seen or heard within the past month.
- They can read books and tomes six times faster than normal.
- If they can see a creature’s mouth while they speak a language the hero understands, they can interpret what it is saying by reading their lips.
- The hero can write in codes that are only decipherable by those who the hero teaches or those who win an opposed Intelligence (Investigation) check against the hero.
Light Sleeper
This hero adds +1 to Wisdom, to a maximum of 20.
In addition, this hero does not suffer disadvantage on Wisdom (Perception) checks because of being asleep and requires only four hours of sleep each night, instead of six, allowing them to take two shifts during watch and to do twice as much light work done during a short rest.
This hero adds +1 to Charisma, to a maximum of 20.
In addition, the number of Inspiration dice this hero can have at one time is equal to their proficiency bonus and they start each session with that many.
Further, when this hero rolls a 1 on a d20 roll, they can reroll it.
Lastly, this hero has advantage on Charisma saving throws made to determine if they get lucky.
Military Experience
This hero learns a Fighting Style of their choice from the man-at-arms class. If they already know a Fighting Style, they can either choose another style to learn or gain the Improved version of that style.
Minor Sorcery
This hero learns two Metamagic effects from the sorcerer class. Once per turn, when they cast a spell, they can spend Sorcery Points to add a Metamagic effect to that spell.
Alternatively, a hero can choose one of the Mantle features from a Sorcerous Origin. They can use a bonus action and spend 1 Sorcery Point to activate that feature for 1 minute.
When this hero finishes a long rest, they lose any unspent Sorcery Points and gain a number equal to their proficiency bonus. If they are also a sorcerer, these are in addition to those they gain from the Sorcery feature.
Minor Stamina
When this hero finishes a short rest, they lose any unspent Stamina Points and gain a number equal to their proficiency bonus. If they are also a scrapper, these are in addition to those they gain from the Stamina feature.
This hero can use a bonus action and spend a Stamina Point to Dash, Disengage, Escape, Guard, or make a single unarmed attack.
Mounted Combat
If this hero is not incapacitated, they gain the following benefits while mounted:
- They have advantage on melee attack rolls against any unmounted creature that is smaller than their mount.
- They don’t suffer disadvantage on attack rolls made with crossbows, dart throwers, or short bows because of being mounted.
- They can have any attack that target’s their mount target them instead.
- If their mount makes a Strength or Dexterity saving throw to take only half damage from an effect, it instead takes no damage if it passes and only half damage if it fails.
- If the hero would make a Strength or Dexterity saving throw, they can instead make a Wisdom (Animal Handling) check.
- If the rider is wielding a versatile melee weapon in one hand, they gain the benefits of wielding it in two hands.
- The rider can wield a pike in one hand and does not suffer disadvantage on attack rolls with it because of being mounted.
This hero adds +1 to Dexterity, to a maximum of 20.
In addition, unless this hero is encumbered, they add +1 to Defense and increase their Speed by 2 yards.
Lastly, when this hero uses the Disengage action on their turn, they can squeeze through an opponent’s space as though it were difficult terrain and ignore all other forms of non-magical difficult terrain.
This hero adds +1 to Wisdom, to a maximum of 20.
In addition, this hero adds their Wisdom modifier to initiative checks in addition to their Intelligence modifier and can use a bonus action to Search.
When this hero rolls a 1 on a spell attack roll or spell check, they can choose to have it be an automatic hit or pass. If they do, they take psychic damage equal to three times the spell’s rank (cantrips deal none).
If the hero is wielding an implement, they can damage that implement to halve this damage. Casting a spell with a damaged implement imposes a -1 penalty to spell attack rolls, spell checks, damage rolls, and reduces the spell’s save DC by 1. If an implement is damaged more than once before being prepared, it is destroyed.
This hero adds +1 to Dexterity, to a maximum of 20.
In addition, unless this hero is encumbered, they add their Dexterity modifier to initiative checks in addition to their Intelligence modifier and can use a bonus action to Use an Object.
This hero adds +1 to any ability score of their choice, to a maximum of 20.
In addition, the hero gains proficiency with saving throws made with the chosen ability.
Rote Memorization
This hero adds +1 to Intelligence, to a max of 20.
In addition, when this hero prepares spells using the Alchemy, Litany, or Repertoire feature, they can prepare additional cantrips and/or ranked spells equal to their proficiency bonus.
Savage Attacker
This hero adds +1 to Strength, to a maximum of 20.
In addition, once per turn, when this hero rolls damage for a melee weapon or unarmed attack, they can reroll the weapon’s damage dice.
Lastly, if they miss a melee attack roll, they can use a reaction to reroll the attack roll.
When this hero hits an enemy with a counterattack, that enemy’s Speed is reduced to 0 yards until the end of the current turn.
In addition, an enemy provokes a counterattack from this hero if they attack a target other than the hero or if they leave the hero’s reach (even if they took the Disengage action beforehand).
Simple Trick
This hero adds +1 to their choice of Intelligence, Wisdom, or Charisma, to a maximum of 20.
In addition, this hero learns one Clever Trick from the expert class or one cantrip from the priest, sorcerer, or wizard class. This cantrip is cast with the same ability as that class.
Skill Focus
This hero adds +1 to an ability score of their choice, to a maximum of 20.
In addition, this hero gains proficiency with one skill or toolset that can be used to make ability checks with the chosen ability. If they were already proficient, they gain expertise instead.
Lastly, this hero learns the Discovery from the expert class associated with the chosen skill or tool.
This hero only requires light obscurement to Hide from an enemy and doesn’t suffer disadvantage on Wisdom (Perception) checks because of dim light.
In addition, if this hero misses a ranged weapon attack against an enemy while hidden, the attack does not reveal their position.
Steady Hand
This hero adds +1 to Dexterity, to a max of 20.
In addition, once per turn, when this hero rolls damage for a projectile or thrown weapon attack, they can reroll the weapon’s damage dice.
Lastly, if they miss a projectile or thrown weapon attack roll, they can use a reaction to abort the attack. If they do, they do not give away their position and do not need to reload their weapon.
Supernatural Gift
When a hero gains this talent, they learn a cantrip and a ranked spell from any school of magic whose rank is less than their proficiency bonus. The hero uses their choice of Wisdom, Charisma, or Constitution as their spellcasting ability.
Using this talent, the hero can cast the ranked spell at a rank equal to their proficiency bonus without providing material components or spending spell points. If the spell has a target other than Self, the hero must finish a short rest before using this talent to cast that spell again.
When this hero’s proficiency bonus increases, they can choose a different spell to cast with this talent.
This hero adds +1 to Constitution, to a max of 20.
In addition, this hero gains additional hit points equal to their proficiency bonus + their level.
Lastly, this hero adds their proficiency bonus to each hit die they roll to regain hit points.
War Caster
This hero has advantage on Constitution saving throws made to maintain concentration on spells because of taking damage.
In addition, this hero can complete somatic components with hands that are wielding weapons or shields they are proficient with.
Lastly, when an enemy provokes a counterattack from this hero, the hero can use a reaction to cast a spell against that enemy instead. The spell must have a casting time of an action and must target only that creature.
Weapon Training
This hero adds +1 to their choice of Strength or Dexterity, to a maximum of 20.
In addition, this hero gains proficiency with their choice of projectile weapons or versatile melee weapons and shields.
If a hero already has proficiency with versatile melee weapons, they can instead gain proficiency with heavy melee weapons and shields.
Lastly, this hero gains additional hit points equal to their level and adds +1 to each hit die they roll to regain hit points.