Deep Thoughts #8

Deep Thoughts #8

This week’s gaming session went pretty well, all things considered. My Elven Ranger, Shadow That Comes in Sight, was able to correctly identify two shapeshifting demons who were terrorizing the town of Wiaz and, with the help of Bob the Druid and some halfling, was able to dispatch both of them along with their quasits and pet hezrou.

I did very little work adding to the Song of Evermorrow this week, only adding the Ability Scores section to Chapter 1: Hero Creation. Hopefully, I get more time to work on that in the coming week.

For Magus of the Prairie, I was able to upload my black-red Orc Pirate deck to the Library. A love letter to those brooding, brawling, big-mouthed bastards and named for the fightiest Orcs in fantasy literature: the Uruk-Hai.

I also added another installment in the Laboratory, a cycle of two-mana 2/2 creatures that get rid of your opponent’s cards when they enter the field. I also spent quite a bit of time updating my style guide for custom Magic cards. Exciting!

Coming up this week, I have cards with Fairfield on Wednesday, so I’ll be prepping a deck list for green-blue. I think I’m going to go with a lands turning into creatures theme. If that doesn’t pan out, I’ll probably due Faerie tribal representing the Summer and Winter Courts.

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