Unfortunately, there is not gaming this Sunday. Normally on my rotating schedule of gaming, this would be a week where I’d play HeroQuest with my brother and nephew. So I decided to update my website instead.

In the Song of Evermorrow, I’ve added the main page for the Warrior class including the subclass for the NPC warrior in my current campaign: The Warlord. May the boredom-driven mayhem ensue!
In Magus of the Prairie, I’ve organized the page into two subs: The Library where I upload my finished Magic decks and The Laboratory where I upload my homebrew cards.
This week, we have my blue-black Underdark deck: Head Games and three homebrew cycles that I previously posted.

Looking forward to next week, I have D&D on Wednesday, so I should probably spend the rest of the afternoon working on my session. The Company of the Obsidian Arrow is about to travel north from the desert town of Kundat with an unscrupulous merchant named Farid who swears there is a cave full of treasure ripe for the plunder. What could go wrong?