
A scrapper is a dedicated combatant that fights with speed and ferocity that few can match. Back-alley knife fighters, feral savages, unarmed pugilists, wild animals, and monastic artists of combat can all be found in this class.

Hit Points

With each scrapper level, a hero’s maximum hit points increases by 6 + their Constitution modifier and they add a d10 to their pool of hit dice.


A hero must have a Constitution of Dexterity score of at least 13 to multiclass as as scrapper.

Starting Equipment

If a hero starts their adventures as a scrapper, they begin the game with two weapons that they are proficient with and a traveler’s pack.


At 1st level, a scrapper gains proficiency with light melee weapons, thrown weapons, and staves.

Errant Punch

Starting at 1st level, if a scrapper uses the Attack action on their turn, they can use a bonus action to make a single unarmed attack.


At 1st level, a scrapper learns to fight hard and fast, adding their Constitution modifier to Defense in addition to their Dexterity modifier. If their Dexterity modifier to Defense is limited by encumbrance, so is their Constitution modifier.


At 1st level, a scrapper becomes proficient with unarmed attacks and their unarmed attacks gain the finesse trait.


Starting at 2nd level, a scrapper adds +2 yards to their Speed unless they are heavily encumbered or overloaded. This increase is cumulative with any other Fleet features the scrapper has.

This bonus to Speed increases to +3 yards when the scrapper reaches 6th level, and to +4 yards when they reach 10th level.


Starting at 2nd level, a scrapper becomes able to tap into reserves of stamina that others don’t possess. These reserves are represented by Stamina Points. A scrapper has a number of these points equal to their scrapper level, and regains all spent Stamina Points when they finish a short rest.

Some Stamina features require an enemy to make a saving throw to resist the effects. The DC of this saving throw is equal to 8 + the scrapper’s proficiency bonus + their Constitution modifier.

A scrapper can use a bonus action and spend 1 Stamina Point to Dash, Disengage, Escape, Guard, or make two unarmed attacks.

When a scrapper makes an initiative check, they can spend 1 Stamina Point to reroll it, using the higher of the two results.

Return the Favor

Starting at 3rd level, a scrapper can use their reaction to parry an incoming melee attack that has hit them, reducing the damage by 1d10 + their Constitution modifier. If they reduce the damage to 0, they can spend 1 Stamina Point to make an unarmed attack against their attacker.

Scrapper Style

When a scrapper reaches 3rd level, they focus on a particular style of scrapping, which provides them class features at 3rd, 6th, and 9th levels. These styles are described in the links to the right.

  • Elemental Conduit
  • Gladiator
  • Monk
  • Pugilist
  • Thrasher
  • Wrestler

Ability Improvement

At 4th level, and again at 8th and 12th level, a scrapper can either increase one ability score by 2, increase two ability scores by 1, or gain a talent (described in Chapter 1 – Hero Creation).


Starting at 4th level, a scrapper can use an action and spend 1 Stamina Point to regain hit points equal to 1d4 + their Constitution modifier.

Extra Attack

Starting at 5th level, when a scrapper uses the Attack action on their turn, they can attack twice, instead of once.


Starting at 5th level, a scrapper’s unarmed damage die increases from 1d4 to 1d6. In addition, if a scrapper feature (such as Errant Punch or Stamina) allows them to make an unarmed attack, they can instead make an attack with any light or thrown weapon they are wielding.

Stunning Strike

Starting at 5th level, a scrapper can stun an opponent with a well-placed blow. When a scrapper of this level hits a living creature with an unarmed attack or melee weapon attack, they can spend 1 Stamina Point to stun that enemy until the end of their next turn unless that enemy passes a Constitution saving throw.


Starting at 7th level, a scrapper gains a bonus to all saving throws equal to their Constitution modifier.

Hands of Stone

Starting at 10th level, a scrapper’s unarmed damage die increases from 1d6 to 1d8. In addition, if a scrapper feature (such as Errant Punch or Stamina) allows them to make an unarmed attack, they can instead make an attack with any weapon they are proficient with.


Starting at 11th level, when a scrapper makes an initiative check and has no Stamina Points, they regain a number equal to their Constitution modifier.