Man, woman, or whatever, a man-at-arms is a disciplined combatant trained in the use of arms and armor. Royal guards, city watchmen, veteran campaigners, and members of fighting castes can all be found in this class.
Hit Points
With each man-at-arms level, a hero’s maximum hit points increases by 6 + their Constitution modifier and they add a d10 to their pool of hit dice.
A hero must have a Strength score of at least 13 to multiclass as a man-at-arms.
Starting Equipment
If a hero starts their adventures as a man-at-arms, they begin the game with four weapons that they are proficient with (or three weapons and a shield), a traveler’s pack, and their choice of heavy armor or light armor.
At 1st level, a man-at-arms gains proficiency with light and versatile melee weapons, staves, armor, shields, and their choice of heavy melee weapons or projectile weapons.
Fighting Style
At 1st level, a man-at-arms adopts a particular style of combat to be their specialty, choosing one of the following fighting styles. A hero cannot choose the same style more than once.
When a man-at-arms reaches 6th level, and again when they reach 11th level, they can either choose an additional Fighting Style from those available at 1st level, or learn the Improved version of one they already know.
At 1st level, a man-at-arms learns to to move efficiently in combat. Unless they are incapacitated or overloaded, they add their proficiency bonus to Defense and initiative checks.
Second Wind
Starting at 1st level, a man-at-arms can use a bonus action to regain hit points equal to 1d10 + their man-at-arms level. Once they use this feature, they must finish a short rest before using it again.
Action Surge
Starting at 2nd level, a man-at-arms can take an additional action or bonus action on their turn. Once they use this feature, they must finish a short rest before using it again.
Martial Discipline
When a man-at-arms reaches 3rd level, they focus on a particular military discipline, which provides them class features at 3rd, 7th, and 10th levels. These disciplines are described in the links to the right.
- Cavalier
- Champion
- Commander
- Footman
- Vanguard
- Weapon Master
Ability Improvement
At 4th level, and again at 8th and 12th levels, a man-at-arms can either increase one ability score by 2, increase two ability scores by 1, or gain a talent (described in Chapter 1 – Hero Creation.)
Extra Attack
Starting at 5th level, when a man-at-arms uses the Attack action on their turn, they can attack twice, instead of once.
Starting at 6th level, whenever a man-at-arms makes an attack roll or saving throw that doesn’t include their proficiency bonus, they can add half their proficiency bonus (rounded down) to the result.
Starting at 9th level, whenever a man-at-arms fails a saving throw, they can choose to reroll it. Once they use this feature, they must finish a long rest before using it again.