This expert has studied the esoteric science of alchemy, learning to create wondrous effects by mixing strange and volatile reagents. As an alchemist excels in this field, they learn to make more powerful mixtures, ultimately discovering the secret of the elusive philosophers’ stone.

Recommended Clever Tricks – An alchemist will probably benefit most from Analyze, Dabble, Inure, or Weapon Training (Projectile).
Recommended Discoveries – An alchemist will probably benefit most from Medicine or Nature.
Alchemist’s Vials
At 1st level, an alchemist gains proficiency with alchemist’s vials. If they already had proficiency, they gain expertise, instead.
Starting at 1st level, an alchemist can mix reagents on the fly to duplicate the effects of spells from the schools of Evocation and Transmutation. An alchemist’s spellcasting ability is Intelligence.
Casting Spells – In order to cast alchemy spells, an alchemist must have a free hand and their satchel of reagents. Alchemy spells require the normal casting time and somatic components. If a spell normally requires verbal components, it instead creates an audible reaction that can be heard at up to 100 yards.
Instead of spell points, an alchemist expends charges from their satchel. When they finish a long rest, they discard any unused charges (which are inert) and fill their satchel with new charges equal to their proficiency bonus multiplied by their expert level.
Power – When an alchemist gains this feature, they have an effective Power of 1. This increases by one when they reach 3rd level, and again when they reach 6th and 10th levels. An alchemist can’t prepare or cast an alchemy spell of a rank higher than their Power.
Workbook – An alchemist records their spells in a workbook When they gain this feature, this workbook contains six 1st-rank alchemy spells and all Evocation and Transmutation cantrips they know. Each time they gain an expert level, they can add two additional cantrips and/or ranked spells to the workbook.
If an alchemist finds a copy of an alchemy spell written in a language they understand, they can add that spell to their workbook during a short rest.
When an alchemist finishes a long rest, they prepare spells from their workbook. They can prepare a number of cantrips equal to their proficiency bonus and a number of ranked spells equal to their Intelligence modifier + their expert level. They can’t prepare a spell whose rank exceeds their Power.
Starting at 3rd level, an alchemist can overload any alchemy spell they cast, adding their Tutelage Die to any die roll they make for its effect.
An alchemist can use this feature a number of times equal to their Intelligence modifier, and then must finish a short rest before using it again.
Starting at 6th level, an alchemist can improvise when mixing reagents, allowing them to cast any spell in their workbook that is not prepared, but whose rank does not exceed their Power. The alchemist must still complete the casting time and components and must still expend charges for the spell.
If the alchemist uses this feature more than once before finishing a long rest, there is a cumulative 25% chance that the spell fails.
Philosopher’s Stone
At 10th level, an alchemist learns to transform tin into silver and lead into gold. They can spend 1 hour and any number of charges. Each charge transforms a tin slug into a silver shilling or a lead slug into a gold crown.