Deep Thoughts #9

It’s been a few weeks since my last update. I was very busy the previous weekend hosting a bonfire where my niblings got to smack each other with foam swords. Good times were had by all, even though I set the lawn on fire.

In the Library this week, I finally laid out and uploaded a deck I’ve been stoked about for months: my KOBOLDS! This red-green aggro deck sits back until it can unleash a torrent of fuzzy death machines and pump them to victory.

This is one of my oldest extant multicolored decks and by far my favorite. Every time me and Fairfield get together, we duke it out between the Kobolds and his Bears with improbable equipment.

In the Laboratory, I posted a cycle of hybrid one-mana removal spells that grant an extra benefit when they target permanents of the enemy color. You can checkout these Hate Removal spells here.

Work on the Song of Evermorrow has been slow and steady. I got the Talents section of Chapter 1 posted. Most of my D&D time has been spent prepping for my game. The Company of the Obsidian Arrow is currently exploring the ruins of Ra’Akim, a city swallowed by the sands centuries ago. After surviving a dust storm where the horses went berserk and nearly destroyed the camp, they’ve plunged to the second level of the caverns and awoken the long dead denizens!

Updates for Evermorrow are likely to be slowing down even more thanks to my newest project. I bought my brother James a copy of X-Com for his birthday. Predictably, this has inspired him to start working on a TTRPG based around small squad combat and space battles. We’re discussing basic mechanics this Wednesday, and I’m super excited!

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